Snore is kind of disease, which will kill people if not treated well.
Snore is one kind of ubiquitous sleeping phenomenon and most of people take this for granted, and some other people think that snore represents sleeping very well. In fact, snore is the great enemy of health! People are relaxed for the whole body when sleeping, if nasopharynx is blocked and the air current will impact the narrow part, which will cause the vibration of the resonance cavity and generate noise in different degree. The stronger the snore noise, the more serious the respiratory channel is blocked, when the block is very serious, it will generate suffocation and even stop breathing and then lack of oxygen and the carbon dioxide will be left and there will be low oxygen syndrome and high carbonic acid syndrome in the blood and all the parts in the whole body will be damaged in different degrees
Wansongtang Ant-snoring Tea adopts the principle of combining the traditional medicine with modern biological technologies with purely natural herbage plants with the same source as medical food as raw materials to refine and extract the essence and make functional drinking products in instant drinking type, which can improve the normal physical adjustment function of the body, further smoothness of nose cavity, upper respiration channel, strengthen immunity of respiration systems, better such diseases in respiration systems as chronic faucitis and cough, etc., improve sleeping quality, effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases with obvious results of stopping snore and moisturing throats. Use boiled water in more than 90 degrees when using and drink it after 4-5 minutes.
[Main Ingredients]:Green Tea, Poria, Mint, lotus Seed
[Healthcare Function]:
??Stop snore and moisture throat
??Improve the normal physical adjustment function of the body, support respiratory health
??Prevent the pharynx and larynx desease, get rid of sub-healthy condition of respiratory system
??Smoothness of nose cavity, upper respiration channel, strengthen immunity of respiration systems
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.